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Filipino Dish : Munggo with Bihon & Repolyo

Munggo with Bihon & Repolyo

Monday pa lang, just incase ma-confuse kayo sa araw. Antagal ko na di nagmunggo, and can’t wait ’til Friday.
Eto ung complete meal, and no need na sa rice. There’s really no cardinal rule when cooking, you can add anything you want. Do whatever floats your boat. Kaya lagyan mo lang lahat ng gusto mo sahog.😉

One of my favourite munggo recipe.
And yes masarap ang combo na ‘to.

Gumawa din pala ako ng lard so may side dish.
(Optional – – na ubusin!🙈)

Pang isang barangay ang niluto ko, tara lets!

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