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Health Benefits of Mangosteen and Persimmon

Antioxidants & Immune booster check!

Nowadays, being always healthy is essential. It has been top priority but, the world is kind of rubbing in that fact to humanity. The fight to the unknown is there so we must ward off ourselves from the deadly ‘crown’. Let’s try to balance our lifestyle and eat the best food in moderation. Don’t forget to eat at least one fruit daily, yeah?

Mangosteen & Persimmon are seasonal fruits which are high in nutritional contents and antioxidants however there’s always plenty of Vit C varieties available all year round.

Benefits of Mangosteen

  • Good Source of Antioxidants and Vitamins
  • Helpful for Menstrual Problems
  • Regulates Blood Pressure and Boosts Heart Health
  • Help Boosts Immunity
  • Anti-inflammatory Properties
  • Promotes Good Skin Care
  • Good for Weight Loss
  • Helps in Digestion

Benefits of Persimmon

  • Rich in Antioxidants
  • Good source of Vitamins A, C, E, B6 and K
  • Reduces Inflammation
  • Good for the Heart
  • Source of Fiber
  • Benefits the eyesight

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